With every project, we want to do the most we can to help serve our communities and the environment around us.
When we renamed the firm LMS Architects in 2001, we decided to focus on civic oriented projects that serve people every day. We've worked hard to try to get as much design value for our clients as we can while moving their agendas forward, addressing social issues, incorporating sustainability, and having a positive impact on helping communities and neighborhoods. To do that successfully you really have to care about the craft, how buildings are put together to last and how they fit into a larger physical and societal context. After finishing a project like the North Beach Library and Joe DiMaggio Playground, you see the kids reading inside and playing outside, and all the hard work is worth it.
Looking back over these 15 years, I think we’ve accomplished those goals. In those years, the changes in the region and in the practice of architecture have been pretty profound, but we’ve held true to our original values.