UC Berkeley Engineering Building

This University of California building houses College of Engineering departments from multiple disciplines, provides extensive collaboration and informal meeting spaces, and involves highly innovative research and teaching labs.

Home to the Civil, Mechanical, and Electrical Engineering Departments, this 230,000 GSF building features a wide array of teaching facilities ranging from active learning classrooms, general assignment classrooms, a sloped floor lecture hall, and smaller seminar rooms and project spaces. In particular, the teaching labs for the Civil and Mechanical Engineering departments feature a flexible space for a variety of instruction, paired with specific laboratory spaces each fitted with specific apparatus and equipment for a given subject or class. Rooms for fluids, soils, structures, aerospace, energy and reacting systems, robotics, metrology and megatronics are currently contained in the program.
Situated within the historic campus core, this building honors the adjacent landmark-status-eligible McLaughlin Hall and revitalizes the West Plaza, a current thoroughfare that is envisioned to become an inviting new common gathering place for the College of Engineering and wider campus. The new building will meet UC Berkeley's stringent goals for carbon emissions reduction, and express the dynamic role that creative engineering will play in our sustainable future.
LMSA; is the Associate Architect together with Payette as the Executive Architect.