Nueva School Library Renovation and Humanities Center Addition


A new hub of academic life, the Library Renovation and Humanities Center Addition brings the Lower and Middle Schools together in a shared learning environment, anchored by a central oculus that connects the seasonal rhythms of the sun and clouds with the classrooms below. 

The Nueva School
Hillsborough, CA
4,140 GSF
Image Credit
Bruce Damonte

Four new classrooms surround the oculus, creating a dynamic academic core at the southern end of the Library. 

The open volume at the north end of the Library is retained, with a series of four new sliding glass doors connecting the interior space to the courtyard, reinforcing our connection to the natural world and providing outdoor reading environments.

The Library Renovation and Humanities Center Addition blend seamlessly with the original Library, providing flexible and adaptable spaces that model environmental responsibility. Operable windows and ceiling fans provide natural ventilation and views of nature beyond, promoting student health and wellbeing. The living roof provides a native species habitat while being wildfire resilient. In keeping with campus sustainability goals to address climate change, the project incorporates low carbon concrete and energy efficient radiant heating that reduces the project's operational carbon.

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